Bus stop near me now
Bus stop near me now

Locate your city to find what Fixed Routes services are available in your area, this selection also provides a list of Connector Services and Community Transport options. This will give a list of communities SMART serves and the services available. To find local services within a community, check out the Community Transit section. Your starting and ending address and closest major intersectionsįind available transit services in your community.

bus stop near me now

  • When calling Customer Service please have the following items ready:.
  • This will take you to an itinerary with possible options and a map and show you which bus you should board, when to transfer and will give you a map of where you are going.įeel free to call a knowledgeable representative to help you plan your trip.
  • If a message appears saying “your address is outside our current coverage area” try using the closest major intersection or check out one of our park and ride (link)locations.
  • Type in your starting address and your ending address.
  • To use the Google™ Transit Trip Planner, go to SMART's homepage.
  • Now that you know your route numbers, check out “ How to Read a Schedule” to determine your pick-up and drop-off times.
  • bus stop near me now

  • If you need to transfer, ask your first coach operator when you board for a transfer.
  • In some extreme cases, you may need to take one route to a second route, and then transfer to your final route
  • If not, you can ride one route to access the other.
  • Are those two route numbers the same? If so, you have a “one seat” ride.
  • bus stop near me now

    Check the route number on the nearest line to see which route comes closest Locate your point of origin on the bus route System Map.Check the route number of the nearest line to see which route comes closest

    bus stop near me now

    Locate your destination on the SMART System Map.SMART offers you several different ways to plan your trip using a: System Map, SMART Trip Planner or by calling Customer Service to talk with a representative.

    Bus stop near me now